Opinion: My Journey in Drama & Film Ministry 5 ( For the Next Generation) by Kingsley NWACHUKWU

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Episode 5

On arrival at the university and full consciousness that I am a drama minister, I BOLDLY joined Quintessence Theatre ( the drama unit of Fellowship of Christian Students), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Quintessence Theatre was made of different students across different geo-political units of Nigeria, Africa and wider world. Though yorubas had the greatest population, we had some core northerners like Adeh Bello, Sheba Afuwa, etc; middle belterns like Dominic Sabestine, Tonia Ondoma, etc; Niger Deltans like Phoebe Akpe, Mary Essein, etc; Easterners like Nkechi Duru, Chidinma Obasi, etc ; and other fellows from neighbouring African countries and Irish.
Quintessence Theatre were blessed with many ANOINTED and TALENTED artistes who tried to combine artistic mastery with basic ministerial ethics.
We had leaders of all dimensions: the LIONS ( possibility thinkers), Eagles ( creative thinkers) and Serpents ( strategic thinkers).
Above all, Quintessence Theatre members were modelled by the FIVE QUINTESSENCE THEATRE Culture; namely:
1) BASIC Foundation Culture: New members, even already established and born-again, must undertake a compulsorily basic foundation class to understand the rudiments and doctrines of the bible. This serves a solid foundation to being ready to reach all men in the wisdom of GOD.
2) PROBATION Culture: Every new member, no matter how experienced or course of study, must not be cast into any dramatic production for a good number of months. This serves as orientation and humbling of the said fellow(s) into accepting any future role as privilege and not right. It also help members to seat and watch less talented co-ministers minister on stage while they undertake behind the stage assignments ( prayers or stage hands).
3) Non JESTING & JITTERY Culture: The group does not permit careless cracking of jokes within and outside the forum. This helped in building serious- minded members whose comic relief on stage ( when necessary) are more worthy and gracious to the audience. When a “Quintain” mounts the stage, the atmosphere must change by life-impacting dramatic expression. The Troupe makes members to understand that we are always ALL THINGS to ALL MEN in order to WIN SOME. Therefore, the need to mind how we talk outside so that our words on stage could be taken serious by our audience.
4) Basic COMMITMENT Culture: All members of Q.T ( including our medical students) are not exempted from rehearsals, in or outreaches except on condition of provable ill- health or examination.
5) UNCHALLENGEABLE STATUS of our DiRECTOR’s Culture: No matter your artistic prowess and anointing, no member can challenge the director or make correction in rehearsals without the permission of the Director. All observations and suggestions are to be forwarded to the director via piece of paper or whispering; pending when he is willing to acknowledge them. The Director has the final say. This helps in creating decorum and averting low self esteem of anyone appointed as Director of Quintessence Theatre.

However, I cannot explain. One of the protocols seem to be bent when I joined the group. I was well received and given a SUPPORTING ROLE in a major production, immediately I joined the group.

While in Quintessence Theatre, I was always AVAILABLE and interested in EVERYTHING that went on in the group.
I soon became a DELIGHT to most of the leaders of the group and fould myself always being handed over by one graduating director to his/ her successor. The in-coming director would be advised by his predecessor to “hold Kingsley well. He will be useful to you”.This was never taken serious by me as I was, more or less, a CAREFREE MIND.

For instance, when one of the directors ( Tonia Ondoma) started in 1997 the first Quintessence Theatre film project: MIRAGE ( later changed to CHASING AFTER SHADOW), I was among the production team; following up the post production process of the film at MAKOGI ( late Marcus Kogi) STUDIO in Kaduna. After the releasing of the film and TONIA ONDOMA’s directorial handover to CHARLES ADEBAYO with respect to her graduation, I was the same person running around for the film project. 6Charles Adebayo always sent me for mass production of the said film and making arrangement in Kaduna Churches for short drama ministration and selling of the films after ministration by accompanying Quintessence Theatre members.
The assignments were totally fun and life-fulfilling until the end of 300Level when I was to enter the final year.
It was then I received a THUNDERBOLT that almost re-shaped my ministerial perspective and conduct.

( Check the Next Episode for: My Thunderbolt in Quintessence Theatre).

1) No matter the challenge or opportunity, always DEFINE yourself in any environment you find yourself. Do NOT HIDE your IDENTITY. It will spare you of many troubles. I can remember one of our brothers who got lost in the university because he did not want to join any fellowship nor pursue his music ministry. He ended up with the Cultist and got expelled in 200 Level. If you discover your PURPOSE, stay WHERE it can be NURTURED. Stay where you will not be DISTRACTED. Start SMALL but don’t remain small.That was my guiding force in Quintessence Theatre.

2) In the journey of destiny, AVAILABILITY comes before ABILITY ( talent). Availability speaks of determination to move on, despites all challenges. Most success in endeavour are products of AVAILABILITY ( determination) than talents put together. GOD is always willing to EN-GRACE the AVAILABLE than the seemingly Abled but NOT AVAILABLE.

3) In serving GOD, do not bother if you are being USED or MOCKED. The MORE you are used, the more you become USEFUL. When you become useful, your WORTH and OPPORTUNITY will increase. In some cases, some individuals who used you yesterday may not afford you again. This has always been a trend in most ancient and contemporary artistry ( except when gospel minds are properly applied).

4)Always pay attention to FOUNDATION. The HOW and WHY you start a journey are of great importance. The so-called NONSENSE you passed through today, will always make a greater TOMORROW. Do not jump QUEUE. Do not RESIGN because of that challenge. Seat and pass through it. It will yield its BENEFITS. Do not bother about OPPORTUNITY and MONEY in that job. LEARN the job first. The Opportunity and Money will pursue you.

5) While following great leaders, CLOSE your EARS to their seemingly WEAKNESSES. Remember you are not following GOD but MAN of GOD. Once in a while, the MAN aspect will show. Focus on your PURPOSE and BIGGER PICTURE. The rest will become HISTORY at God’s appointed time.

Cr: My Journey in Drama & Film Ministry (For the Next Generation) Episode 1-4.


Pst Kingsley Nwachukwu
Golden Exposures Ministries, Enugu.
Email: onwukakingsley76@gmail.com
GSM: +234(0)8036139394.

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